Optimism is a Practice.

November 11, 2021

Optimism is a Practice.

#Optimism is a practice and permeates everything. I'm remembering so many good times in the past as we lead up to the end of the year. Holidays and gatherings and games and hard work and laughter. Good ghosts can haunt too. I let them.

Rather than fill me with longing for those times, because there has been so much loss and transition over the past couple years, they fill me with hope for future goodness. Not grief, but hope! The energies in life wax and wane. Can you see that too?

Hold true that though the times always shift, they also can come back around. I have always found this truth in nature. Look no farther than the leaves dancing in the breeze, because nature and life beyond the current trials will prevail. It will cycle back in one way or another. As we learned at Jurassic Park, life finds a way! When it does will you be open to it?

Hope, dream, but in the words of @janegoodallinst, "... for me, hope isn't just something where you sit back and say, "Oh, I hope everything will be OK." No, I don't look at the world through rose- colored spectacles. We've got to work to make what we hope for, happen."

#journal #hope #meditations #gratitude

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